Monday, May 27, 2019

Lifestyles of the (Faux) Rich and (Totally NOT) Famous

     Know what really sucks? Money. Money sucks. I know it's uncouth and maybe even vulgar to talk about money, but here are two realities: 1.) I really don't give a shit. 2.) Unless you are lucky enough to be in the 1%, money is a problem for almost everyone, so why not talk about it? In fact, I would say that next to making sure that I am the best parent I can possibly be for my kiddos, money, (or our lack-there-of), takes up a pretty large percentage of my thoughts and an even larger percentage of my worries. Can we give the kids a decent Christmas? Do I have the money for the car payment? Do we have rent on time this month, or at all this month? And I hate ALL of it.

     Right from the get-go though, I want to say this: It's not lost on me that we are very, very privileged to have the worries that we have. We have a roof over our heads. A super nice roof, in a super nice house, in a super nice neighborhood. It's all rented, but we still get to live here. We have plenty of food in our fridge. (Really too much food in our fridge is what started this blog in the first place, isn't it?) We've been on cruises and vacations in the past that some people only dream of. We have modes of transportation and we even get to spend a lot of time on Disney property. And to top it all off, we have several fantastic friends and family members who love and care about us. We are lucky, lucky bastards. But the truth is, we probably shouldn't be doing or having most of what we do. It's been a rough few years for us, financially. Job changes, lots of outputting of money for things for our kids, including services and our income is way down from where it was.

     Five years ago, The Hubs and I both had great paying jobs in sales. We worked hard and played hard. We got to vacation in France. We got to buy things we not only needed but also things we wanted. We didn't have to worry much about bills being paid because we could pretty much always cover it. We had great health insurance through work and out of cost fees weren't an issue. We also did not have kids.

     Yes, it was the best thing that could possibly ever happen to one human being to meet our kiddos and get to make them part of our family, but man, those suckers are expensive! Not only do kids cost a lot of money, but their needs put a huge limit on how much time we as parents can commit to work. It's no secret that our maternity and paternity leave in the US is a joke compared to the rest of the world, but we also struggle to be able to care for our kids on a day to day basis and still balance work, because our living wages are abysmal. I am so fortunate to have an incredibly flexible job, but when I have to take some extra time off because my kiddo with sensory processing disorder is having a meltdown, or because my daughter is having a panic attack, it costs me. And if you are the parent of a kiddo with a trauma history, you are so gonna feel me on this, but can we just talk about how expensive everyday life is for these kids? There are therapies, activities to keep them engaged and strengthen their social skills, tutors, IEP advocates, medications and treatments, tools like wobble cushions and weighted blankets... You just basically hemorrhage money. Again, best money ever spent, but it's overwhelming. And just one tiny event can send you into a hole that feels impossible to dig your way out of. Welcome to my life. We seem to find hole after hole. One step forward, two steps back. That kinda thing. It's exhausting.

     Our most recent 'step back' came in the form of a car accident for me back in late February. My already piece-of-crap of a car was totaled and my injuries have put me out of commission quite a bit. I can't really elaborate for legal reasons, but I am happy to report that I was not at fault and that myself and my passenger are on the road to recovery, but between the costs of having to get a new piece-of-crap car and time off of work, having to go to physical therapy and appointments multiple times a week, etc, it has sucked donkey balls. Not to mention.... it put me into a tailspin of depression, lack of motivation for anything, and even incapacitation at times, and as a result, I have regained HALF of my lost weight. Fuck. Me.

     So, here we are... faux rich, and so NOT famous. Why do I say "faux rich"? Because to the outside world, we probably look pretty comfortable: car, large (read: expensive to climate control but locked into a great school zone) house complete with pool (read: cash guzzler), occasional travel (read: flight benefits as an airline employee), and so much more. But the silent truth is that we struggle to make ends meet on a day to day basis. We have zero savings and no backup plans and that feels scary.

     My kids know it, too. I don't want them to know, but they are observant. They get that we never go out to eat anymore and that we've cut way back on the fun extras that they were used to when they first moved in and we had higher incomes. They get that Mamma had to fight with the doctor's office to get anxiety meds refilled without having health insurance and without paying a $200 office visit fee. They get that sometimes it's not worth the gas to go somewhere. They get that groceries have to be on sale to be purchased, no matter how yummy they look. They get all of it. I don't ever want them to have to take on any of my worries though. They have enough of their own. So we still try to make sure they have fun and that they get to feel special and amazing. We spend time with them, unplugged from technology and engaged. But they see the worry in our eyes. I am sure of it.

     We are genuinely doing the best we can. The Hubs works hard at his job, in the hopes to move up soon. I work whatever I can at my part-time job, and I also keep my gig facilitating post-adoption support groups, and blogging. Not huge money-makers, but every little bit helps.  We have cut waaaaay back on expenses, and have found small, happy surprises in doing so. We got rid of cable and satellite tv. We were super tv addicted and were really sad to cut the chord. Turns out, we don't need it and we spend a lot less time zoned out in front of the screen, which is awesome. Now, we are not complete animals... we do have Netflix. And Amazon. And Hulu. Oh man. We may have a problem.

     The point of all of this is just to say that money troubles blow and if you have them, you're not in it alone. In fact, this particular pool is overcrowded as hell and I think someone just peed.

Monday, February 25, 2019

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of the Year!!!

     It's almost the first weekend in March, and for me, that means it is about to be one of the happiest weekends of my entire year! Why, you ask? Because this weekend, a flock of over 100 women who are all parenting kiddos from hard places, who all GET me, who all SEE me, who don't judge me or my kids and who are as equally excited to connect with me as I am with them, are descending upon Orlando. I am a member of a non-profit group that supports parents who are raising kiddos with trauma backgrounds, and this retreat is the event that the whole year centers around for that group. The weekend provides much-needed rest, recovery, learning and recharging for me, and lots of other moms. This is my fourth year attending and by now I have many, many friends at this retreat and I'm excited to hug each of them, but I am the MOST excited, to see my Hippos. Not these:

Though they are SUPER cute!

My Hippos. See, last year, by some sort of magical happenstance, I ended up sharing a house at our retreat with 11 of the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. We had an awesome weekend together, bonding, relating and laughing... a LOT. When the weekend was over, I know that we all needed each other, or at least, I needed them, so I started a FaceBook group just for us, and the rest is history. We have spent the last year supporting one another, loving one another, and patching up one another's wounds. We have been through breakups, breakdowns, new kiddos, kiddos leaving home, milestones and momentous occasions of all kinds. We mostly talk through FaceBook, which may seem impersonal, but to us, it is deeply, deeply personal. Sometimes the only lifeline I have is these ladies. Sometimes I have a day where Jay is at work, one kid is melting down and destroying the house, and the other is angry at me and the world and cannot be consoled. I feel like an awful mother and yet there, on the other end of a post, or a chat, or a text.... there's a fellow mom... a ROCKSTAR mom... who thinks I'm doing a good job. She gets what I'm going through. She's supportive, but can also tenderly teach me how to be even better. She's one of 11 different women, each with different stories, but with all the same loving hearts. Some of us don't even really know each other very well, truth be told, yet there's a kinship about us that transcends acquaintanceship. It's sisterhood. And I am beyond lucky to have found it. 

     One thing I always felt like my life was lacking was strong female friendships. Perhaps it's because when we are younger, women are trained to NOT trust one another, to not even like one another really. Perhaps it's the younger version of me constantly needing to compare myself to other women and always feeling like I came up short. Either way, I didn't have many female friends in my 20's and early 30's. Yes, I have a few friends who have been in my life for a long time, but life has a way of pulling you away from one another with schedules and lifestyles. Add to that being the mom of kids that come from challenging backgrounds, and I'm on a WHOLE different level from most women I know. This life is hard to relate to. It's hard to tolerate. Most other women don't want to be around a friend who constantly has to cancel plans due to sensory meltdowns or behavioral issues, or whose kid can be difficult to be around sometimes due to their needs. I get that. Parenting kids with trauma is isolating and lonely, but somehow I am lucky enough to have these incredible women supporting and encouraging me. And not just them, I have been fortunate enough that I have found several female friends, outside of my Hippos, with whom I have bonded and found a deep connection in the past couple of years. Each of them accepts me and my family and loves us, even though they may not be able to relate, and I appreciate them just as much as I do my Hippos. 

     I cannot wait for this weekend! I need some Hippo hugs and some time with my ladies and ALL the ladies at the retreat. I need a recharge and a reset. Each year, I come back to The Hubs and my kiddos a better mom and a better wife. These women... these amazing women... make me the best version of me. And I wish for every woman on the planet to find their own Hippos, too. 

     Oh wait... I never explained why I am calling them "Hippos". Haha.... weird. Ok, well the actual reason is because last year's retreat had a Wonder Woman theme and our house was called the Hippolyta Heroines, but since none of us could remember that, we kept calling our house, "the Hippo house", and the name stuck. But it's a fitting name anyway, since hippos look sweet, slow and docile, but when it comes to protecting their home and their family, hippos are one of the most dangerous creatures on Earth. Mamma Hippo will cut a bitch if need be. I can relate.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

I'm Coming Out..., not THAT way. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, it's all a spectrum anyway, but that's not where I'm going with this. I'm coming out as the writer of this blog. I've decided that it's time to start sharing with other people out there in this strangely cyber-connected, yet isolating and disconnected world that we live in. Not because what I write is phenomenal, mind-blowing wisdom that the world will beg to have bestowed upon them, (I mean... it is...), but because 1.) I'm ready to increase some accountability on myself. Make myself more visible to my friends and family, and therefore, maybe hold myself to a higher standard of writing, sharing and committing. And 2.) I know for a fact that there are other women that go through things that I go through, who live similar lifestyles and have similar circumstances and can relate to and connect with what I'm saying. And that's really all each of us craves in life, isn't it? Connection. Acceptance. The affirmation that we are not the sole weirdo having our weird thoughts. So I figure, if I can bring that to just one person, it's worth sharing my life with the world.

     So, for those of you who are new here, welcome to my corner of the world and the underside of my random thoughts in my brain. If you know me personally, you know that I am a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a Disney fanatic, an occasional writer, a sarcastic weirdo, and let's call it what it is, a chubby chick. But like all women, all people, I am much more than that. There are parts of me that even I have yet to discover and I'm really starting to like that about myself. This April, I will turn 40 and it seems like an appropriate time to reflect back on where I have been and to dream about where I am headed. I've been on a bit of a "life quest", if you will, for the past six months or so, which you are welcomed to go back and read about in my very first post, and I already feel like I am a much better person for it. Not because I am thinner, or healthier, or anything other than more accepting of myself and, to quote Ashlee Simpson's pre-recorded SNL track, all the "pieces of me".

     That being said, I am thinner. 40 lbs down in fact! Which is awesome, yet I managed to turn it into a disappointment in myself. If you've been reading along, you know that I lost the 40 pounds pretty quickly, within a couple of months of starting this blog. I had hoped that by now I would be down even more, BUT riiiiiight as I was getting angry at myself for not making much of an effort over the past few months to lose more weight, I said to myself, "Hey, Ding-Dong.... you maintained a 40-pound weight loss without much effort. THAT'S a friggin accomplishment!" So I'm trying to go with that, ya know? See? I'm learning!

     I do feel healthier. I do feel happier. I do feel better, overall, so there's no downside here. I took a hiatus from blogging because I was feeling bad about my lack of forward motion, but I need to keep learning the lesson that our progress and success in life isn't always a linear thing. Sometimes we make a big ol' loop back into shitty before we rocket forward. All I did was slow down a bit. But I'm still here, still sarcastic, and still trying to find my big ol' shiny Jenn-light that burns so bright.

Oh and I have a new dog who makes me SO happy!